  • 期刊


Impacts of Ketogenic Diet for Children with Intractable Epilepsy on Caregivers’ Quality of Life




It is well recognized that the quality of life (QOL) in caregivers of children with intractable epilepsy were largely impacted. The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of ketogenic diet (KD) therapy on QOL in caregivers of children with intractable epilepsy. The questionnaire - World Health Organization Quality of Life, brief edition, Taiwan version (WHOQOL-BREF(TW)) was used to assess caregiver QOL at baseline, third, and sixth month after KD intervention. Results show that the caregiver QOL score increases in environmental domain after the children received KD intervention. In psychological aspects, the caregiver satisfaction improves when the seizure in children is well-controlled. The QOL biological score is significantly elevated in caregivers with higher education level and income at baseline. Nevertheless, the significance diminishes at third month of treatment due to large individual variations. In conclusion, there is a positive correlation between caregiver QOL and KD intervention in intractable epilepsy. The future direction should focus on a comprehensive and team-based treatment with KD diet intervention in intractable epilepsy to help improve the caregiver QOL.


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