  • 期刊


The Ethical Issues Arising from Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Genetic Testing


本文探討直接販售給消費者(direct-to-consumer, DTC)基因檢測之相關倫理議題。首先介紹DTC基因檢測之發展背景與販售立場,分析其所涉倫理議題包括新興科技的理解運用、檢體與資訊、遺傳諮詢與醫療專業三個面向;接著介紹ESHG、ASHG等國際學會對DTC基因檢測之建議與指引,最後提出對於我國相關發展與管理規範之建議。作者指出,由於DTC基因檢測在現今與未來之醫療服務可能扮演重要角色,惟其所牽涉之倫理議題廣泛,應建立良好之倫理準則與規範,以提供醫界及業界參考遵循,並保護消費者;從而減少爭議並促進民眾之醫療福祉。


This paper investigates the ethical issues arising from the Direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing. The background of DTC and its main sales position are introduced, and main ethical issues including "understanding of the innovative technology", "human samples and information" and "genetic counseling and medical professionals" are analyzed. Furthermore, guidelines and recommendations proposed by ESHG, ASHG and other international committee are introduced as well. The authors indicate because DTC genetic testing is playing increasingly important role in the future and involves a wide range of ethical issues, domestic guidelines and recommendations regarding its application and regulation should be established soon so as to reduce its negative impact and promote the health welfare of consumers and the public.


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