  • 期刊


Routine Screening of Mi^a Antigen in all Blood Donors in Taiwan




Miltenberger, a family of blood groups, is the result of gene recombination leading to encoding a hybrid molecule of glycophorin A and B. The occurrence of Miltenberger blood group is relatively high (2-7%) at Southeast Asia region. In Taiwan, antibodies to Miltenberger blood group have been found to be the most frequent red cell alloantibody with clinical significance. Evidence showed that transfusion of GP. Mur-negative RBC to patients with previously detectable anti-"Mi^a" could decrease the incidence of hemolytic transfusion reaction and antibody boosting. Since the complexity of Miltenberger blood group antigens and the lack of commercial antiserum suitable for applying on Automated Microplate Analyzer, it is difficult in large-scale screening of these antigens in blood donors. By using hybridoma technology, we have established an anti-Mi^a-producing cell line from human B lymphocytes. This monoclonal antibody specifically recognized Mi^a antigen on red blood cell surface, and shows stable agglutination reactions that can easily be detected by PK7300 Automated Microplate System. Currently, we have detected all blood donors for Mi^a antigen and labeled the test results on red blood cell components. This facilitates the selection of Mi^a-antigen-negative RBC in blood bank routines, and thus lower the hemolytic transfusion reactions and improve the safety of blood transfusion.


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