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Improving Oral Cavity Self Care after Head and Neck Tumor Surgery




The postoperative oral care of head and neck cancer is pivotal, as it decreases infection, promotes comfort and prevents complications, and importantly it is one of the factors that enhances the success rate of surgery. In 2015, a total of 5 patients were dismissed from this ward after being educated for oral care at home. An investigation was undertaken and found that the correctness for self-oral care was only 63.4%, the satisfaction of patients towards the instructions for the oral care given by the nursing staff was only 80.3%. The possible causes included no standard guidelines for oral care, inefficient and inappropriate guiding material, lack of tracking and consultation system. Our strategy was to establish a standard guideline for oral care after head and neck cancer surgery, creating leaflets and manuals for post-operative care of head and neck cancer surgery, designing patient self-care progress sheet, conducting regularly phone interviews. The results showed that the correct rate of self-oral care for patients with head and neck cancers was remarkably increased to 90.2%. The satisfaction of patients towards the instructions for the oral care given by the nursing staff was increased to 94.8% as well, reflecting the improvement strategy of this is clinically useful project had effectiveness. Thus enhancing the patient's awareness for a continuous correct self-care of the oral cavity.


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