  • 期刊


A Study of Occupational Burnout on Physical and Psychological Health Conditions of Middle-Aged Women




This study aimed to investigate the relationship between work vigor, burnout, sense of coherence, depression and provide the applicable options of social support for middle-aged women. We conducted a cross-sectional study with purposive sampling and enrolled 299 middle-aged women aged 40 to 65 in Taiwan from September to November, 2018. The results showed that middle-aged women have the lowest sense of cohesion at or older than age 55, and those with higher educational levels have better self-rated health and sense of coherence. Those with poor self-rated health have higher burnout and depression. Burnout is positively correlated with depression, but reversely correlated with work vigor and sense of coherence. Sense of coherence is positively related to work vigor, but reversely associated with depression. The higher work vigor middle-aged women had, the lower depression they could have. These findings may contribute to social support and burnout-reduced strategies. Longitudinal study design is suggested for future research. The cooperation with workplace and medical institutions to monitor the burnout of middle-aged women is also recommended.


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