



This project aims to assist patients and their families in accessing the long-term care (LTC) system during discharge planning. The transferred rate of LTC of our hospital team is only 26.9% from January to June 2019, which is much lower than the rate of our peers. The causal analysis revealed the followings: (1) medical team was unaware of the LTC 2.0; (2) patients and family members misunderstood the LTC service content; (3) lack of LTC health education materials; (4) ineffectiveness of the current screening tool; and (5) unclear referral process. Therefore, we proposed multiple methods to overcome these issues. First, we expanded our team to propagate information on LTC by holding LTC conferences with the discharge planning committee, holding in-services training for the medical team, designing and producing LTC leaflets, and setting up the LTC information center. Moreover, we established an information system to facilitate the medical teams' communication and cooperation with us and to screen and select the potential candidates systemically. We also refined the referral process and built up the handover and checklists in our teams. As a result, the transferred rate to the LTC 2.0 increased to 34.9%. This article aimed to share our efforts to help more patients. Furthermore, we look forward to establishing an information system link with other database and to improve efficiency of transfer through better planning in the future.


鄧桂芬、李玉春、楊哲銘等:影響台灣家庭使用長照十年計劃2.0的相關因素分析。台灣公共衛生雜誌 2019;38:521-36。
詹惠雅、黃獻樑、游芝亭等:某醫學中心試辦出院準備銜接長照2.0計畫成效初探。台灣醫學 2018;22:474-81。
Gonçalves‐Bradley DC, Lannin NA, Clemson LM, et al. Discharge planning from hospital. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016;2016(1):CD000313


