  • 期刊


Waning of Protective Effectiveness of HBV Vaccine in Childhood and Teenagers in Taiwan




Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis are the 10th death cause in Taiwan, and its occurrence is closely related to chronic viral liver disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the protective efficacy and decline rate of specific hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs) in children and adolescents with hepatitis B vaccination. In this retrospective study, the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBs Ag) and anti-HBs data of 1585 children and juveniles, who were born after January 1, 1990, and aged between 1 and 20 years old, were analyzed to investigate the status and decline rate of anti-HBs protection. Thirty-nine of the 1585 young children were HBsAg positive carriers and 50 of them, who had hepatitis B vaccine boosted before the anti-HBs titer test, were also excluded. The anti-HBs titer of 1496 cases were statistics analyses and we found that 809 (54.08%) of them had insufficient anti-HBs protection. The efficacy of anti-HBs protection in female is 50.34%, and the efficacy of anti-HBs protection was significantly decreased in male (41.74%, p=0.0008). The efficacy of anti-HBs protection rate declined to 60% at the age of 18.5 in female, and the efficacy of anti-HBs protection rate declined to 60% in male at 17.9 years old, suggesting that the decline rate of serum anti-HBs was faster in male than female. When anti-HBs protection declines with age, high-risk groups of hepatitis B infection should take the initiative to receive anti-HBs titer test or additional booster vaccination to reduce the risk of hepatitis B virus infection.


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