  • 期刊


Efficacy Endpoints and the Role of Immuno-Bridging in Vaccine Development




疫苗 療效指標 免疫橋接


This article focuses on the consideration of different efficacy endpoints for various phases and purposes of clinical trials when developing vaccines to prevent infectious diseases. If it is the first vaccine for a specific infectious disease, a well-designed vaccine protection trial is the most straightforward method to validate vaccine efficacy. However, if it is a subsequently developed vaccine for the same infectious disease, and the regulatory authorities have recognized the protection represented by antibody titer (surrogate endpoint), then the pivotal trial can use the immuno-bridging design to verify the vaccine efficacy, and then obtain market approval. The outbreak of COVID-19 is an international public health emergency. Since the very beginning of the outbreak, Taiwan Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) has actively provided consulting services to domestic research institutes and manufacturers, and participated in international conferences on the development of COVID-19 vaccines. Based on solid regulatory science, CDE proposed the technical standards and requirements, adopted by Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) for domestic COVID-19 vaccines to obtain Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by immuno-bridging. To date, advanced countries have also accepted the use of immuno-bridging designs for approval of new COVID-19 vaccines.


vaccine efficacy endpoint immuno-bridging


CDE can Help:新型態法規科學輔導與評估 https://www.cde.org.tw/news/news_more?id=254/ Accessed December 8, 2022.
法規科學諮詢輔導促進國產新冠疫苗開發 https://www.cde.org.tw/news/news_more?id=255/ Accessed December 8, 2022.
國產COVID-19疫苗臨床研發及試驗設計之法規科學考量 https://www.cde.org.tw/ news/news_more?id=256 / Accessed December 8, 2022.
腸病毒疫苗臨床研發策略指導原則 https://www.cde.org.tw/Content/Files/Knowledge/bb266382-c4ac-4998-9451-c08ad5236d41.pdf/ Accessed December 8, 2022.
我國COVID-19疫苗之EUA審查基準 https://www.fda.gov.tw/tc/TifsanFile/%e6%88%91%e5%9c%8b%e5%b0%8dCOVID-19%20EUA%e5%af%a9%e6%9f%a5%e5%8f%8a%e7%99%82%e6%95%88%e8%a9%95%e4%bc%b0%e5%9f%ba%e6%ba%96.pdf/Accessed December 8, 2022.
