  • 期刊


Development and Implementation of Mobile Nursing Application in Clinical Care


近年來資訊科技日新月異,電子醫療及數位醫療所涵蓋的領域越趨廣泛,對人類健康所帶來的影響也日益深遠;行動醫療應用程序(mobile health application, mHealth App)可以讓使用者快速獲得正確的醫療資訊,並可藉由記錄各類健康指數,讓病人及醫療人員更瞭解病程的發展,提升病人照顧自身健康的責任。研究小組設計並開發手機護理應用程式,其中功能包含:導入語音辨識輸入方式,來取代鍵盤文字輸入、推播功能使用於新醫囑的通知、利用手機拍照及上傳功能,將傷口照片上傳系統並儲存、利用影像辨識功能做為藥物流速劑量覆核等。2021年的連結使用量中,頻率最高的是「小紙條」;於護理App建置前後,化療給藥錯誤率皆為0;在針對護理師進行的問卷調查結果中,平均數最高的為認知有用性(5.03),最低的則為使用意圖(4.42)。於護理工作中結合行動裝置的使用,可以讓護理作業的執行及記錄更方便、醫囑的執行能更具時效性、並讓護理病歷資料更正確。


In recent years, with the rapid development of information technology, the fields covered by electronic medical care and digital medical care are becoming more and more extensive. The impact on human health is becoming more and more profound. Mobile health application allows users to obtain correct medical information quickly. In response to the habits and needs of patient care and front-line clinical staff, information technology must be able to fully communicate with the clinic to integrate and achieve the best state. The research team designed and developed a mobile phone nursing application, which includes: importing voice recognition input methods to replace keyboard text input, broadcast functions for new doctor's order notifications, using the camera functions to upload wound photos and store them, and using the image recognition function as a flow rate dose review. The most frequently used links in nursing apps were "handover notes." Before and after the Nursing App is built, the error rate of chemotherapy administration is zero. Among the questionnaire results, the highest score is "Perceived usefulness (5.03)", and the lowest is the "Behavioral intention to use (4.42)". Using mobile devices in nursing work can make the execution and recording of nursing operations more convenient. The execution of doctor's orders can be more time-sensitive, and the nursing records can be more accurate.


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