  • 期刊

On Lord Palmerston, Famine-Era Landlordism in Ireland and Links with China





地主 饑荒 移民 鴉片 帝國主義


The third Viscount Palmerston has long been deemed responsible for two phases of British commercial and political aggression against China. During the first of these he was British Foreign Secretary, and during the second he was Prime Minister. But his title to nobility stemmed from Ireland, where much of his landed property was located. In references to the years of and around the Great Irish Famine in the late 1840s, it has widely been assumed that the landowners of Ireland (such as Palmerston was) were generally uncaring and inhumane towards their tenantry. A recently-discovered archive strongly suggests that this was not the case, and that in most respects Palmerston in particular was progressive, liberal and humane to those who subsisted on his lands in Ireland. He was familiar with their lifestyles. This contrasts with his stance towards the citizens of China. In regard to Palmerston's treatment of his tenantry in Ireland, the old English saying that ”familiarity breathes contempt” did not hold; rather, the opposite applied. And Palmerston's lack of humaneness, and even contempt, in regard to China, can in part be attributed to his lack of familiarity with, and indifference to, the way of life in that distant country.


landlords famine emigration opium imperialism


Anbinder, Tyler(2001).Lord Palmerston and the Irish Famine Emigration.The Historical Journal.4,441-469.
Norton, Desmond(2003).Lord Patmerston and the Irish Famine Emigration: A Rejoinder.Hist. J..46,155-165.
Bourne, Kenneth(1982).Palmerston, The Early Years 1784-1841.London:
Bernard Burke, A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetcy of the British Empire. (London: 1864), pp.864-865
J. T. Gilbert, History of the City of Dublin, vol. II. (Dublin: 1859), pp. 315-316
