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The Teaching of Medical Ethics Using a Small-Group Tutorial Method




The present study evaluated students' understanding of medical ethics and opinions about course content following completion of a course in medical ethics taught using a small-group tutorial method. The participants were 133 sixth-year students at the National Taiwan University College of Medicine in the 1995-1996 academic year. The course was conducted as weekly four-hour discussions for six consecutive weeks. The students were divided into six groups with approximately 20-22 members in each group. Each two-hour session was facilitated and coordinated by two senior psychiatric faculty members and one or two physicians in other specialties or allied professionals. During each session, four students in each group were assigned a special topic which was described on prepared handouts. Those students were then asked to give a brief presentation on the topic. One of the students was designated as the group leader. Following the presentation, all of the students were asked to give problem-based and case-centered examples as triggers for open discussion. A series of reliable questionnaires were developed to assess the teaching effectiveness, and to measure the group interaction and group climate. Post-course questionnaire surveys revealed that 92% of the students considered ethics education to be important for professional development, and 75.2% believed that ethics courses should be taught during clinical training (years 5 and 6). The majority of students were very satisfied with both the course content (69.1%) and the teaching format (56.7%). Regarding the effectiveness of the course, survey results indicated that 70.8% of the students reported to have significant gains on general knowledge of ethics and 72.6% in the ability to perform ethical reasoning. The results of students' ratings on group interaction showed that the students had learned how to express themselves, share personal achievement with others, and could actively dedicate themselves to self-directed study through the process of information collecting and analyzing. The group climate was generally rated by the students as highly cohesive and interactive without obvious emergence of avoidance, conflict or negative emotions. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that students were satisfied with the teaching methods and course content. They also believed that a significant learning process had occurred through use of the small-group tutorial method. The findings of the present study provide valuable information and empirical data about outcome evaluation in medical ethics training using a small-group tutorial method and may be useful in the training of faculty in this field.


