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The Consistency between Baccalaureate Occupational Therapy Education and the Needs of Clinical Practice



台灣醫療體系正面臨制度改革與民眾對醫療品質愈加重視之衝擊,因而職能治療的專業教育規劃,應以配合職場上之需求為當務之急。然而,專業教育改進與因應的相關調查卻相當的缺乏,因此本研究主旨在探討職能治療大學專業訓練與臨床工作需求的符合程度,並作為調整專業教育的深度與廣度之參考。本調查以全國各大學畢業之職能治療系組學生為對象,共寄發646份問卷,回收了215份問卷,回收率為33.3%,扣除無效問卷2份,本研究以213份問卷作業分析樣本。問卷經羅序模式進行效率分析後,確定共包含6個教育內涵之向度。問卷結果採用描述式及推論式分析,以探討符合程度,以及問卷填答者之特質和問卷結果之關係。研究結果顯示,依臨床需求來看,專業教育內容與臨床工作的符合程度高低之順序依次為工作倫理(M=7.03)、臨床技巧與理論(M=6.79)、溝通技巧(M=6.52)、個人應變處理能力(M=7.03)、管理(M=5), 以及研究相關能力(M=3.99)。若以個別項目來看,替個案保密(M=8.07)、與個案建立治療關係的能力(M=7.25)、和觀察個案表現的能力(M=7.14)、等三項之臨床要求與專業教育間的符合程度最高。執行研究((M=3.68)、預算編列(M=3.79)、和撰寫研究報告(M=4.01)等三項則較低。本研究結果指出,目前專業教育對於培養學生具備管理及研究能力顯然較為不足。因此未來專業教育方向應審慎研討加強以上能力的培養。


Taiwan’s health care system faces several challenges, including system transformation and higher expectations of quality of care. Accordingly, professional occupational therapy education should respond to these societal and clinical changes so that occupational therapists can be appropriately trained. The purpose of this study was to examine the consistency of baccalaureate occupational therapy education with clinical practice. The study questionnaire was sent to former students who had graduated from the occupational therapy program in Taiwan. Six hundred and forty-six questionnaires were sent out and 215 were returned, resulting in a 33.3% response rate. The results revealed that there are six educational dimensions: ethics, clinical skills and knowledge, communication, coping skills, managements, and research. Descriptive analysis was used to investigate the degree of consistency between educational programs and clinical practice. Analysis of variance and repeated measure analysis of variance were used to examine the relationship among six dimensions and between demographic information and results. The results of the study showed that the degree of consistency for each educational dimension was as follows: ethics (M=7.03), clinical skills and knowledge (M=6.79), communication (M=6.52), coping skills (M=5.97), management (M=5), and research (M=3.99).For individual items, the most consistent were confidentiality (M=8.07), therapeutic relationship (M=7.25), and observing the client (M=7.14). The least consistent items were doing research (M=3.68), budgeting (M=3.79), and writing research reports (M=4.01). The results suggest that the areas of management and research need further development. Future curriculum changes should consider the introduction of related subjects as well as utilizing innovative teaching methodology to bridge the gaps between education and clinical practice.


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