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Psychosocial Analysis of Medical Disputes Occurring in a General Hospital




The doctor-patient relationship has been previously proposed as the key factor in medical disputes especially during the era of managed care. The aim of the present study was to analyze the content and cause of such conflicts during the doctor-patient relationship in a general hospital and identify what psychosocial factors contributed to these events. All consultant doctor-patient conflicts(N=31) in a general hospital during the first quarter of 2000 were analyzed with respect to their medical outcome, the doctor-patient relationship, the adequacy of informed consent, and their documentation. The medical outcomes included death or a major disability(64.5%), a minor injury(32.3%), or an nuchanged condition(3.2%). Inadequate informed consent significantly correlated with breakdown in medical communication, death a major disability and age. This study finds that level of informed consent and the pattern of communication between physician and patient had a great impact on the doctor-patient relationship, and they thus may contributed significantly to medical disputes.


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