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Reflections on a Dream Appreciation Course at National Yang-Ming University


優質的師生互動是醫學教育的重要基礎。台灣醫學教育白皮書鼓勵教師藉由互動式教學提升醫學教育成效。良好的課程提供師生解構既有的知識,擴大學生的視野,建構新知識,激發適應力,以促進身心靈各面向的成長。夢是人類共有的生命經驗。精神醫學學者Montague Ullman主張賞夢能協助人以新而誠實的眼光認識自己及生命課題。Ullman提出「讀夢團體工作模式」,經由個人和團體對夢作多層次的敘說並與清醒人生的脈絡作聯結,幫助人改變行為並促進成長。一個跨領域的教學團隊在陽明大學採用參與式行動研究法,以Ullman「讀夢團體工作模式」開設「夢的賞讀」課程探究如何將夢境的材料設計在課程中,以及評估學習成效。本文報導此課程的規劃理念及實施方法,並呈現2004至2006年期間,由草創、試練及再造的行動歷程;再由「集思廣益」、「發問技巧」、「社會能力」、「團體賞夢」、「覺察夢與生活的關係」、「珍惜夢的價值」及「培養自處能力」箏角度閱述學生經由了解夢的隱喻,產生自省、自明、自許,並以創意方式重新詮釋對生活與學習的啓發;文末亦呈乳教師對「理論與實務印證」、「教學行動」以及「教師內在歷程分析」所作的反思。期盼此互動式賞夢課程的教學法能更多被應用於我國的醫學教育,提昇醫學相關專業學生的同理心、多元觀點、解決問題及創造能力和態度,並教導學生喜用源自個人內在的資源,促進學生發展與自己相處的終生學習能力。


The quality of interaction between teachers and students is important for medical education. Experts in medical education encourage teachers to create an interactive learning environment for their students. A well designed and properly implemented course of medical education should offer systematic opportunities for interaction between teachers and students that de-structuralize and reconstruct knowledge, open up the students to different perspectives through participation in developmental tasks, inspire the ability to cope with problems and promote an individual's physical, psychological, social, and spiritual growth. Dreams are common experience among human beings. Based on the participatory action research method, we developed a course 'Dream Appreciation' at National Yang-Ming University. This course mainly used the Group Dream Work Model, which was des eloped by Montague Ullman. Ullman contends that dreams are the dreamers' own theory and are responses to the issues that are faced by the dreamers. The Group Dream Work Model offers a natural approach to dreams for everyone and therefore each person may be able to start the process of self-therapy. In this paper, we described the evolution of the course over the years 2004~2006. We also analyze the revelations and positive transformations in terms of the students' developmental challenges, especially regarding campus life, as witnessed during the process of dream appreciation. During the course process, empathy, problem solving ability, creativity and multiple perspectives among the students were improved. Students learned how to use their own dreams as a life-long resource for self-reflection, self-awareness and self-expectation. The teacher's reflections regarding 'comparison of theory and practice', 'teaching and action', and 'analysis of the teacher's inner state' are also presented. Suggestions for further improvement of the curriculum and action research are made. We hope that creative and interactive teaching will be used in more courses in medical education in Taiwan.


Maslow AD(1971).The farther reaches of human nature.New York:Penguin.
Winnicott DW(1971).Playing and reality.New York:Routledge.
Ullman M(1996).Appreciating dreams: a group approach.Thousand Oaks, London:Sage.


