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First Asia Pacific Medical Students Symposium: Implications for Medical Education


2007年3月11日至2007年3月17日,全大醫學院的亞太醫學生交流論壇籌辦小組在臺大醫學院、金大醫院、衛生署、外交部和教育部等的協助下,於金大醫院國際會議中。舉辦第一屆亞太醫學生交流論壇(Asia Pacific Medical students symposium)。第一屆論壇以醫學研究、醫學人文、公共衛生為三大方向,邀請48名國外醫學生、3位外國師長和25位國內師長與會。此次論壇不僅給與會者留下深刻印象,籌辦經驗也可以提供未來相關活動參考。本文前半將簡單介紹活動情形;後半則討論國際醫學生交流論壇對於醫學教育之意義,希冀醫學教育界先進繼續支持與指導。


A group of students at the National Taiwan University College of Medicine organized the first Asia Pacific Medical Students Symposium from March 11th to 17th, 2007 with sponsorship from the Medical College, National Taiwan University Hospital, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Education. The symposium focused on three themes: medical research, medical humanities, and public health. Forty-eight students and three faculty members from foreign medical schools and twenty-five Taiwanese medical educators participated in the symposium. The symposium left a lasting impression on the participants. The experiences of the organizers need to be shared with others planning similar activities in the future. The first part of this article describes the activities of the symposium and the second discusses the implications of the symposium activities in relation to medical education. We hope that medical educators will continue to support similar activities in the future.
