

話題影片是一個以問題為中心的短片,它會促使觀眾依據自己的經驗及態度,產生可能的解決方案,給它一個合理的結局。它主要是利用Lawrence K. Frank的投射理論,透過一些平常可以經歷到的情境來誘導學生參與討論,提出自己的想法,同時也反應出學生的人格特質,它也可以藉此來訓練角色扮演及真實生活的觀察。現今的醫學教育逐漸跳脫權威式的教導,加上病患的權益及隱私、日益被重視,針對一些特殊議題,例如:人際溝通、醫學倫理、診斷邏輯及專業行為等,透過話題影片所鋪陳出來的情境,讓醫學生直接身歷其境的面對衝擊,也透過同儕的討論,不僅了解自己,尊重他人,更讓人重新思考那個已被喚起的同理心及獻身醫療的初衷。


話題影片 醫學教育


Trigger films are short problem-centered films that prompt the viewer to generate possible solutions and to finish plausible endings based on the student's own experience. The use of trigger films in medical education is based on the projective theory of Lawrence K. Frank. They induce students through realistic situations experienced in our daily life to participate in discussion and present their own ideas; the results also reflect the characters of the students. In addition, through role-play and observation of real life, students can learn how to deal with similar situations in their future clinical practice. There are two main reasons for using trigger films as a tool in medical education. Firstly, modem medical education has progressed beyond authoritative teaching and, secondly, the rights and privacy of patients have begun to be taken more serious in recent times. Trigger films, because of the scenarios presented, have their value because they are designed to address special issues, such as interpersonal communication, medical ethics, diagnostic reasoning and professional behavior. This approach forces medical students to face and feel the same shocks as their future patients may experience. Through peer discussion, students will not only begin to understand themselves better, but also think again, with empathy, about why they have dedicated their life to the medical profession.


trigger film medical education


Ber, R.,Alroy, G.(2002).Teaching professionalism with the aid of trigger film.Med Teach.24(5),528-531.
Schuman, Stanley H.,Pelz, D.C.(1970).A field Trial of Young Drivers.Arch Environ Health.21(3),462-467.
Fisch, A.L.(1972).The trigger films technique.Improving College and University Teaching.22(4),286-289.
Miller, Ellen J.(1971).Trigger film marking.Audiovisual Instruction.16(5),64-67.
Ber, R.,Alroy, G.(1982).The teaching of history-taking and diagnostic thinking: Description of method.Med Educ.15,97-99.


