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The Ethical Review and Its Mechanism for Social Behavioral Research




The attention of research ethics has centered on biomedical experiments since the establishment of the Institute Research Board (IRB). The concern of research ethics was motivated by the violations of human rights during World War Ⅱ, when prisoners of war were used as guinea pigs for biomedical experiments carried out by German and Japanese authorities. Three important documents had been issued to remind the world that human subject protection is a must in any scientific experiment.This concern toward the safety of those participating in research extended to social and behavioral sciences in the late 1990's. Although social behavioral research is regarded as non-invasive as participants are not required to donate tissue samples or to take newly invented drugs during the research, potential harm, however, exists. Social behavioral research often uses surveys to find out how a person's habit and lifestyle affect one's health: therefore, some confidential questions are asked. These procedures run the danger of putting the respondents in possible harm either materially, socially, psychologically or even spiritually.This paper will first examine how research ethics became important and then discuss why research in the fields of social, behavioral and human sciences are required to be reviewed by the IRB so that human subjects can be protected.


(Human research ethics policy guideline: Human research shall include all processes seeking to acquire, analyze and investigate human tissue or information conceming individual behavior, thinking, physiology, psychology, sociology, genetics and medicine for the purpose of research. Department of Health of Taiwan.).
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