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Implementation of Explicit Scaffolding with Key Features of Critical Thinking Changes Medical Students' Perceptions of PBL in a Hybrid Curriculum


Background: Coexistence of both lecture- and problem- based learning (PBL) in a hybrid curriculum can create confusion in learners' minds and lower learning effectiveness. Objective: To gauge whether or not implementing explicit scaffolding with critical thinking skills into a PBL course was an effective approach for better learning in the hybrid curriculum, we evaluated student perceptions of PBL in the hybrid curriculum and critical thinking skills in the PBL process after implementation. Methods: Fourth-year medical students taking Pathophysiology in 2009-2012 at National Cheng Kung University were included in this study. Critical thinking skills were embedded in the 6-step PBL discussion process. Additional explanation of explicit scaffolding with critical thinking skills was given in course orientation and wrap-up sections only in 2012. Both end-of-semester surveys and class questionnaires were collected at the end of the term. Results: A larger percentage of the 2012 students who had experienced explicit scaffolding, agreed or strongly agreed on the improvement of their ability to participate in discussions and seek for answers than those the students in 2009-2011 who had no the experience. Fewer students in 2012 expressed a negative impression of PBL than those in 2009-2011 did. Conclusions: This study shows a better connection between two pedagogies with the implementation of the explicit scaffolding technique. The technique changes the negative impression of students in regards to PBL.


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