  • 期刊

走出「樹文明」之倫理悖論-為The Tree: Meaning and Myth做中文版序所思

Walking Out of the Ethic Paradox of "Tree Civilization": The Reflection on My Writing a Preface For The Tree: Meaning and Myth's Chinese Version




The early human depended their survival on trees, and trees were always used by the human in all kinds of way. But the human destroy forest today, deforestations already have threaten to the survival of mankind. This is the ethic paradox of "Tree Civilization". This paradox began from slash-and-burn cultivation in the neolithic era, and it became serious in the industrial age. Two relations: human and tree and human and animal, are equal according Zhuang zi's on "Leveling All Things", because "first law of ecology" is "everything is connected to everything else". "The Ethics of Interdependence" is an appropriate way to deal the biologic relationship between human and tree, and it relies on the changing from a whole of "Ecological Worldview": tree is not the object that human overcome, dominate and control, and they are among a correlation of coexistence. In contexts of "Tree Civilization", human was working on forest exploitation by individualistic heroism, and tree only had use value; and restoration of forest plays an key role from a eco-consciousness of "Green Psychology", and tree has its own intrinsic value. So, the Ethic Paradox of "Tree Civilization" is resolved in the end.


〔英〕法蘭西斯‧凱莉 (Frances Carey) ,沈廣湫、吳亮(譯),2016,《樹的藝術史》,廈門:鷺江出版社。
〔德〕格羅塞(Ernst Grosse),蔡慕暉(譯),1984,《藝術的起源》,北京:商務印書館年版,頁149。
Frances Carey, 2012, The Tree: Meaning and Myth, London: The British Museum Press.
