  • 期刊



海難案件之發生往往伴隨著重大之損失,在散裝船全損海難方面,自1992年1月到2002年5月為止,全球共發生了109件散裝船全損海難案件,約佔了全球全損海難案件之12%,但在所損失之載重噸位部分卻佔了所有全損案件之38%,位居所有船舶海難損失載重噸位第一,就單一船舶種類而言,其所造成之損失可謂相當可觀。 海難之發生原因其牽連之範圍甚為廣泛,上至海事政策、公司管理,下至船體結構、人員操作等,往往在其中某一環節發生問題時,海難事故就有發生之可能,而由過去之海難案例中發現,大多數海難事故之發生,均係由於多重之風險相互影響,因而導致海難之發生。 鑒於散裝貨輪安全議題的重要性,本研究以國際上發生全損海難事故之散裝貨輪為主要研究對象,探討「散裝貨輪全損海難風險分析」與「散裝貨輪安全評估模式研究」等二大議題。透過文獻回顧、個案分析的方法,探討散裝貨輪因本身風險因素或航行環境所導致之海難,以確立散裝貨輪海難風險因素,並透過散裝貨輪安全評估模式,提出風險控制策略與風險控制方法。


散裝貨輪 海難 風險評估


Maritime casualties often result in tremendous losses. Between January 1992 and May 2002, there were 109 total loss maritime casualties for bulk carrier vessels worldwide. These casualties accounted for 12% of worldwide total loss casualties, however, they accounted for 38% in terms of deadweight loss, which was ranked first in deadweight loss among various types of fleet. Maritime casualties may arise from any of the following causes, such as improper maritime policy, management and crew operations, and bad condition of ship structure, however, according to the historical cases, many casualties occurred because of the result that the above causes had interacted with each other. Concerning the safety issues to the bulk carriers, this study focused on the total loss cases of bulk carriers and set to analysis the risk of total loss to bulk carriers and also set to employ a safety assessemt model for bulk carriers. Through a comprehensive literature review and cases study investigating into the risk embedded on bulk carriers and their environment, the hazards concerned are indentfied. Based on these outcomes, the Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) has been employed in this study to evaluate and to analyze the safety improvement measures for the bulk carrier vessels.


bulk carrier casualty risk assessment
