  • 期刊


Understand the Changing Family: Reflections on the Family Life Course Development Theory




The family, as a social institution, and its change is not only an area of family research but also still the main concern of family policy. The foundation of family formation basing on marriage and heterosexuality has been broken and the diversities of family are huge challenges for family theories and family research. Among many family theories, the family life course development theory can capture the embeddedness of family change and social change on macro level as well as insight the patterns and processes of family changes on micro level. This study consists of two main parts. The first one is to describe the propositions, major contents, and concepts of family life course development theory. The second part is to capture current research issues by reviewing research topics and methods of some studies in Taiwan and abroad. There are three main implications: first of all, the papers reviewed by this study basing on family life course focus on family pressures and family transitions; secondly, the papers aboard reviewed by this study applied comparative methods to describe the different patterns between counties and family stages; last, particular attention should be paid to the correct use of concepts about family life course, stress on the cumulative effect of family events and comparative study for advanced research in Taiwan.


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