  • 期刊


Reflection on Knowledge Transfer across Situated Boundary within Organization-A Case Study of Defect Management in Semiconductor Industry



知識轉移是當今企業最關心之議題,各種創新的知識管理系統與制度也應運而生,然而成功轉移知識之案例卻不多見。為何組織內部將知識轉移至新人的效果竟比以往更令人質疑?我們進入田野並沈浸於研究場域,詮釋半導體檢測工程師每日的工作實務,直接與工程師互動來敘說維修戰役,以瞭解新進工程師從維修實務中轉移知識的過程。本文比較過去轉移六吋至八吋晶圓,對比於現在轉移八吋至十二吋晶圓檢測知識給新進工程師的故事,本文有三個研究發現:第一、異常排除的過程歷經偵察、擺盪與浮現等三個實務以跨越情境疆界。第二、敏銳卻缺乏權力的疆界中介者,得同時扮演偵察疆界者、疆界物件製造者與拼圖者等三種的角色。第三、當組織越專業階層化、師徒學習制度越正式化時,反而迫使內部知識移轉之成效每況愈下。本研究以實踐觀點(practice theory)說明異常排除實務的探索過程,藉助疆界管理觀點與此三個跨界實務進行對話;最後,本文從半導體檢測工作實務反思,組織跨界轉移知識所衍生的管理挑戰,也提醒實務界一味追求專業化與規則化的同時,一不小心反而會惡化疆界的溝通與合作,本研究據此提出管理意涵。


Knowledge transfer is the most significant issue, and various innovative knowledge management systems and methods are thus designed. Nevertheless, there are rare successful cases of knowledge transfer. Why the result is more questionable than it was after the organization transfers knowledge to its junior engineers? We engaged in the fields to research and investigate the daily routine of the engineer in semiconductor industry. By interacting with them to clarify their maintenance work, the author is able to understand the process of knowledge transfer during everyday job of maintenance. This paper compares the process of knowledge transfer of 8-inch wafer from 6-inch one to that of 12-inch wafer from 8-inch one and has three conclusions. First, the process of troubleshooting comprises three kinds of practice, including detective, swing and emerging practice with a view to crossing situated boundary. Second, a keen boundary spanner without power is required to be a boundary detector, a maker of boundary object and a man playing jigsaw puzzle at the same time. Third, the more obvious the hierarchy of the organization becomes and the more formal the mentoring system is, the worse the effect of knowledge transfer within the organization is. This paper attempts to explain the process of troubleshooting and to interact with the three cross-boundary practices based upon practice theory. The last part of this research targets at the reflection of maintenance work in semiconductor industry and indicates challenges in organizing cross-boundary knowledge transfer. The research also provides implication that the business should be careful in pursuing specialization and systematization in case it worsens the communication and cooperation among boundaries.


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