  • 期刊


Environmental Benefit Assessment of Product Services System on Taiwan's Copy Machine Industry


產品服務系統(Product Service System, PSS)最初是由IPP及EPR等概念衍生而來,同時能達到去物質化之目的,因此被視為永續發展之重要工具。本研究透過文獻回顧,比較了多種定量環境績效評估工具後,採用日本學者所發展之物質使用水準法(level of material use)作為本文之研究方法。該方法曾用以評估日本電機產品之PSS透過年度產品需求量(Annual Product Demand, APD)來進行非租賃/非再使用系統、傳統再使用系統與租賃系統之情境模擬。該研究結論指出,欲降低租賃系統之年度產品需求量需滿足三項條件(1)減少租賃產品的數量;(2)延長租賃產品壽命,使之能與第一手產品的壽命一樣;(3)提高租賃系統中產品之再使用數量。 本研究將此方法應用於圍內的影印機產業,並將模擬的情境增加為九種,以研究各不同產品服務系統模式之環境衝擊。本研究透過物質使用水準進行情境模擬分析後得知,國內市場的配置方式,會造成濃境的高度負荷,但若具市場殘餘價值之產品進入再製造程序,則可大幅提高產品使用效益,因此建議廠商應加強保養及延長產品使用年限,以提升產品商業價值與環境效益。


Product Service System (PSS), a dematerialization concept which derived from European IPP (Integrated Product Policy) and EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility), is considered as an important tool for achieving sustainable development. PSS assessment and quantizing is considered very difficult because it needs to consider with service situation, and a few reference have talked about it, thus the purpose of this study is to screen a suitable method for using to quantify PSS's environmental performance in Taiwan. After comparing various quantitative systems which are considered can be applied to assess the environmental performance of PSS, this research adopted the Level of Material Use method to assess the environmental performance of PSS. This method has been applied in Japan to assess environmental performance of PSS of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE). This method uses the concept of annual products demand (APD) to simulate three systems, non-lease/non-reuse system, conventional reuse system, and lease system. The study concluded that the lease system can reuse more materials, if: (1) the number of leased products is reduced, (2) the lifetime of leased products is extended to that of firstly owned products, and (3) the lease system increases the number of reused products in use. This study adopted the same method with addition of nine more scenarios and applied to the Taiwan's copy machine industry to understand the environmental impact of various scenarios. The result indicates that current copy machine portfolio in Taiwan will create high environmental impact. The way of improving this situation is to increase the proportion of remanufacturing in the portfolio. According to the simulation results, the material use will be greatly reduced by increasing the remanufacturing. Hence, it is suggested that copy machine industry should encourage the remanufacturing in order to reduce the environmental impact.


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