  • 期刊


Value Network Creation of University Incubator for Cultural and Creative-based Start-ups: A Multilevel Stakeholder Analysis




University incubators focusing on cultural and creative start-ups were broadly established under the trend of recent national policy for promoting cultural and creative industries, thereby creating the necessary platform resources at market or content level. However, previous literatures regarding industry incubation and entrepreneurship network lacked the analysis and discussion about the specific resource condition and value demand from cultural and creative entrepreneurs in the collaborative model between incubator and incubatees. In addition, there were few studies of bottom-up incubator service explaining the co-evolving process in this value network creation mechanism. As a result, this paper selects the NCKU Culture and Creativity Incubation and R&D Center, and its twenty-three incubatees as case study by qualitative interpretive case study method, to explore the research questions about how the university incubator can facilitate the value network creation of cultural and creative start-ups using the multilevel stakeholder perspective at micro, meso, and macro level. The research findings identify that this co-evolving process can be divided into three development phases for value creation mechanism including value positioning and resource expanding, co-evolution of entrepreneurship network, and network connecting and value co-creation phase.


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