  • 期刊


Development of an Asynchronous Distance Teaching System that Uses Facial Expression Recognition to Study Learning Status Based on Design Thinking




Due to the epidemic, all educational institutions around the world have suspended classes and resorted to online teaching. The educational institution, where the researcher works, conducts asynchronous distance teaching, allowing students to attend classes anytime and anywhere without time and space restrictions. However, the inability of students to have face-to-face and real-time communication with teachers poses a challenge in determining students' learning status. Most researchers in the past fundamentally employed design thinking and value proposition to discuss marketing values and consumer demands, and define product services and values. Meanwhile, only a few researches adopted them to incorporate customers' indispensable needs into products and services. To solve the problems of teachers, this study used design thinking to develop an asynchronous distance teaching system that employed facial expressions to identify the learning statuses of students. Further, the research method adopted five steps of design thinking: empathy, definition, thinking, prototyping, and testing. First of all, an empathy map, a persona, and a customer journey map were used to define the tasks and pain points generated by teachers in asynchronous distance teaching. Through value proposition, the following was put forward: (1) a face recognition integrated test system; (2) the online course timeline combined with facial expression recognition to analyze the learning process of students, solve the task pain points and benefit from the finding. The system used qualitative interviews to summarize the meaning of facial expressions in asynchronous distance teaching to help teachers understand the students' learning status. The research results showed that through integrating human-centered design thinking and facial expression recognition, asynchronous distance teaching in interdisciplinary innovation and product design. Noteworthily, the average score of SUS was 91 or above, indicating an excellent grade. Furthermore, the practical experience from this study could be provided as a reference for subsequent research-adopting design thinking and value proposition to build an innovative and cross-domain product and service, which addressed user needs.


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