  • 期刊


A Study on the Relation of Dynamic website between Aesthetics evoking & Aesthetics factor


動態網頁在動態訊息的多樣化呈現上,滿足了大部分人們的視覺心理慾望。事實上,人們對動態訊息的追求,除了是一種與生俱來的生存本能,更是許多人們共同的視覺經驗。通常人們的視知覺接收周遭環境的訊息會自動劃分成動與靜的關係,同時也會對動態事物產生強烈的注意與興趣。因此在目前生活中的許多訊息傳達中,可發現動態會比靜態的表現更能產生較多的注目性,尤其是動態網頁相較於靜態網頁的呈現風格上,就更容易吸引觀者瀏覽進而達到訊息傳達之目的。因此本研究針對審美性因子影響情感喚起程度進行探討,針對國外瀏覽點閱率高且視覺評價也高的動態網頁作為實驗樣本,主要是欲了解觀者心理在審美性因子的視覺評價上,是否會因為動作呈現上的差異而產生不同的視覺評價。基於為了探討動態網頁與審美愉悅性的關聯性,研究方法上,嘗試以多元迴歸分析(multiple regression analysis),分別針對美感喚起評價與審美性因子的關聯性進行探討來進行探討。研究目的:(1)探討視覺設計之審美性調查與資料分析方法。(2)探求動態網頁在動作風格呈現上的審美性因子對觀者愉悅性的影響。(3)探求符合受測者心理最佳化的審美性因子評價,最後提出動態網頁之設計建議。最後,本研究在動作風格之審美性因子的建構上,共歸納出7 組審美性因子;分別為美感性、辨識性、喚起性、平衡性、變化性、象徵性與時間性等。


Most of the action style has to be presented in the application of dynamic website design. Therefore, it is essential to understand the influence of action style observers’ visual psychology and make the dynamic information conform to the demands of dynamic website design. This research discussed the level of aesthetics evoking affected by aesthetic factors. In order to probe into the relationship between dynamic website as well as complexity of aesthetic factors, this research applied relative aesthetics research methods and data analysis. In order to examine the influences of action features of dynamic website on its aesthetics, to investigate on aesthetics of dynamic website. The purpose of this research: (1) To investigate aesthetics of visual design and its data analysis methods. (2) To examine the influence of aesthetic factors of dynamic website on viewer’s aesthetics evoking. (3) To identify the best action style combinations that meet the optimization of respondents’ psychological characteristics and to propose recommendations towards dynamic website design. This research adopted seven key factors of aesthetics were generalized, including beauty, recognition, arousal, balance, variation, symbol and timeliness. Study results have initially verified that aesthetics evoking level could be predicted by aesthetic factors.


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