  • 期刊


The preliminary study on the relationship between unboxing experience and the sense of ritual creating of gift box


隨著產業經濟成長,功能導向的經濟型態逐漸演化為體驗導向,消費者開始追求精緻生活的潮流,購物的目的轉為追求自我情感的滿足與實現。而透過儀式感的營造能夠引導消費者在體驗的過程中,從將外在的物質連結內心的精神層面,產生深刻難忘的體驗並獲得認同感。最終,此體驗會融入消費者的日常,使其對產品的忠誠度進一步提升。也正因為如此,業者看中儀式感的市場商機,將「儀式感」一詞大量置入廣告詞之中而成為流行的語彙。本研究藉由文獻探討了解並梳理儀式感設計、包裝設計與體驗設計的脈絡及內涵,透過個案分析探討儀式感的背後意涵,並剖析禮盒包裝的儀式化設計形式,進而選取四個近三年內IF Design Award的獲獎作品,分析發現只要掌握象徵符號與秩序化設計兩大重點儀式感設計因素,便有很大機率能於禮盒中再現儀式。


儀式感 禮盒包裝 開箱體驗


As the industrial economy grows, the functional economic model gradually evolves into an experience-oriented one, and consumers begin to pursue the trend of refined living. The purpose of shopping shifts to the pursuit of self-emotional satisfaction and realization. Through the creation of ritual sense, consumers can be guided to resonate the material outside with the inner spiritual aspect during the experience, creating a profound and memorable experience and gaining a sense of recognition. Finally, this experience is permeating into the consumer's daily life, enhancing loyalty to the product. It is also because of this that businesses see the marketing opportunity in ritual sense and incorporate the term "ritual sense" into their advertising, becoming a popular vocabulary. This study explores and summarizes the context and content of ritual sense design, packaging design, and experience design through literature review, analyzes the underlying implications of ritual sense through case analysis, and analyzes the ritualized design form of gift box packaging. Four IF Design Award-winning works within the past three years were selected. It was found that as long as the two key ritual sense design factors : "symbolic symbols" and "orderly design" are mastered, there is a good chance that ritual can be reproduced in gift boxes.


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