  • 期刊


The study of a new principal developed rural education from his practical experience




This study used qualitative research methods, taking a Kaohsiung's rural school as the research field, and seeking the action and new way for rural education form a new principal's detection and practical experience of facing a rural school will be abolished. The results discovered: 1.The predicament of rural school education: (1) The unfavorable educational ecology and family vulnerable is the beginning of rural school to be withered. (2) Teacher's enthusiasm can actuate the rural education. (3) The lack of public department's educational funds often caused rural school operating difficulties. (4) The principal's action is the cornerstone of the rural school towards a new path of education. 2. The new principal's actions for the predicament of rural school education. (1) Improving teaching quality will safeguard the rural education. (2)The multiple learning can encourage student's interest in learning. (3) Seeking resources is another way to flip the predicament of rural school. (4) Marketing school performance is necessary for rural school. Conclusions: 1. The strategies of conquering the predicament of rural school: (1) Taking student's learning as a priority. (2) Teachers can identify administrative support. (3) Striving resources to support courses. (4) Marketing school performance. 2. The actions of a new principal developed rural education from his practical experience: (1) The implementation and commitment of principal's educational ideas, it's the opportunity to be transform and advance of a school. (2) Principal should remain the educational belief of “a student, a hope, by love to maintain the operations of rural school, and never abandon. (3) Principal changed the school team's educational thinking, it's the need to give time to ferment and running-in. Recommendations for research:1.The rural school business direction: (1) Developing characteristics is important, but student's learning needs is the biggest consideration. (2) The extension and expansion of the learning field is the step that should be taken for partial education. 2. The new principal in rural school must face the subjects: (1) The new principal's input and persistence is necessary to sustainable management of rural school. (2) Although the rural education subjects were different from the general education issues, but they can quickly accumulate the new principal's experience and wisdom.


公共消息(2016 年8 月13 日)。辦理偏遠地區學校振興條例草案分區說明會。公共消息,2016 年8 月13 日取自https://tw.news.yahoo.com/blogs/gov-press/%E8%BE%A6%E7%90%86%E5%81%8F%E9%81%A0%E5%9C%B0%E5%8D%80%E5%AD%B8%E6%A0%A1%E6%8C%AF%E8%88%88%E6%A2%9D%E4%BE%8B%E8%8D%89%E6%A1%88%E5%88%86%E5%8D%80%E8%AA%AA%E6%98%8E%E6%9C%83-053353027.html
王彩鸝(2016年7月27日)。教育轉型正義偏 遠學校振興條例草案出爐了。聯合報。2016年8月20日取自http://udn.com/news/story/6885/1855667
