  • 期刊


Study of Morphologicy and Phenology on the Syconnia of Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang



本研究定期每2週觀察一次嘉義地區之愛玉子(Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang)雌、雄樣株之榕果發育與生殖週期(花期)。其雌花、蟲癭花生殖組織初萌形態即有差異,花柱頂端之分生組織尤為明顯,發現早於分化之初,就配合其小蜂之形態、行為,致雌花之雌蕊適於花粉粒發芽及發育成種子,而蟲癭花適於雌蜂產卵,成為小蜂繁衍生育場所。愛玉子全年花季變化,雄株一年3季,雌株則多為3季,偶或1季,其雄花期與雌花期之密切配合,使小蜂族群繁衍良好,榕果無授粉不良之患。愛玉子雌雄株花間期之長短具甚大,在雌株3季花之花間期差異並不大,但蟲癭株之第1、2季花之花間期則較短,第3季則長達七個月,推測因越冬關係使得花間期延長,並延續小蜂族群。


愛玉子 榕果 生殖週期 授粉生態


This is a study on the syconium development and syconium morphological of Climbing fig (Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang.), as well as the life cycle of their pollinator wasps, Blastophaga pumilae Hill. Three of both male and female Climbing fig were selected from ChiYi seperatly as study plants, and the development of fig crop and wasp life cycle were observed every other week. The results were summaized as follow. The anatomy of styles on female flowers and gall flowers showed difference even at their prefemale stage. Combining with the morphology analysis of fig wasp, this difference resulted in the different shape of stigma. Those of gall flowers could be adapted for ovipositing, while those of female flowers could be for pollinating. There were three generation of synconia each year in the male plants of Climbing fig but 1 or 3 generations in their females. Good synchronization between B and D phase presented and few abortion of synconia were observed in Climbing fig. The third male interfloral phase lasted for 7 months and prolonged through winter. And based on the analysis of the association between the life cycle of fig wasps and the development of figs, their mutualist relationship and coevolution were discussed.
