  • 期刊


Effects of Two Kinds of Elicitor on the Production of Stilbenoids in Peanut Callus


類二苯乙烯化合物(stilbenoids)是某些植物在受到脅迫時產生的植物防禦素(phytoalexins)。而上述可誘發植物生產植物防禦素之生物及非生物性刺激,可視為誘引劑(elicitor),因此可利用這類誘引劑作為誘導植物細胞生成特定之二次代謝物。由於以往並無利用真菌及茉莉酸甲酯誘引劑誘導落花生癒合組織產生類二苯乙烯之相關研究,因此本研究旨在了解並比較此兩種不同誘引劑在進行上述誘導時所產生現象之異同。結果顯示真菌及茉莉酸甲酯誘引劑皆對落花生癒合組織具有誘導作用,以Botryodiplodia theobromae 為誘引劑時,比杉特醇(trans-piceatannol)及白藜蘆醇(trans-resveratrol)最高之誘導量分別為9655.8±3165.9 ng/g、10566.6±4458.2 ng/g,而以茉莉酸甲酯(methyljasmonate)為誘引劑時,其對比杉特醇與白藜蘆醇之最高誘導生成量分別為441.2±174.7ng/g 及1624.3±320.4 ng/g。


Elicitors are known as stimulants for producing secondary metabolites in plants, which can be categorized into biotic or abiotic ones. The purpose of the present study is to reveal and compare the effect of biotic and abiotic elicitors on the formation effectiveness of some important stilbenoids such as piceatannol and resveratrol in peanut callus. Fungi Botryodiplodia theobromae and methyl jasmonate were employed as biotic and abiotic elicitor, respectively, for the stimulation. The results show that both elicitors can play as stimulants in piceatannol and resveratrol production in peanut callus. When comparing with methyl jasmonate, B. theobromae is a stronger elicitor. The highest amount of trans-piceatannol and trans-resveratrol produced in B. theobromae stimulated callus were 9655.8±3165.9 ng/g and 10566.6±4458.2 ng/g, respectively; while the highest amount of the stilbenoids produced in the methyl jasmonate induced callus were 441.2±174.7 ng/g and 1624.3±320.4 ng/g, respectively.
