  • 期刊


A Comparative Study on Vegetation of China-Fir Plantation and Natural Broadleaf Forests in Lien-Hua-Chih Experimental Watershed


本研究目的是針對蓮華池試驗集水區杉木人工林及天然闊葉林的植群進行調查比較,分析主要林型的族群結構,明瞭其更新狀況及優勢樹種。杉木人工林及天然闊葉林調查面積各為5.86 ha與8.39 ha,海拔介於576-925 m之間,屬於亞熱帶林,共設置調查11個樣區,記錄維管束植物分別為杉木人工林29科67種及天然闊葉林28科60種。稀有及保育物種為桃實百日青、台灣紅豆樹、柳葉山茶及垢果山茶。應用矩陣群團分析結果,將本區之植群區分為九節木-黃杞型與三腳虌-杉木型兩個林型,並與降趨對應分析結果相符。從杉木人工林與天然闊葉林主要組成樹種之植群結構及重要值指數調查資料,瞭解杉木人工林轉化為天然更新原生樹種之多層次結構森林之情形,可以作為森林集水區改善林分結構與植群多樣性研究之參考。


The aim of this study was to analyze the vegetation of china-fir plantation and natural broadleaf forests in Lien-hua-chih experimental watershed. We analyzed population structure of major vegetation-types to understand their regeneration situation and dominant species. The study area was about 5.86 ha (china-fir plantation forest) and 8.39 ha (natural hardwood forest), ranging from 576-925 m in altitude and within subtropical zone. Eleven plots were set and investigated. Vascular plants were recorded about 29 families and 67 taxa in china-fir plantation forest and 28 families and 60 taxa in natural broadleaf forest included endemic taxa of Podocarpus nakaii, Ormosia formosana, Camellia salicifolia and Camellia furfuracea. Matrix cluster analysis and detrended correspondence analysis were used in vegetation analysis and the vegetation was divided into 2 types: Psychotria rubra-Engelhardtia roxburghiana forest type and Melicope pteleifolia-Cunninghamia lanceolata forest type. According to results of the vegetation structure of the main tree species and important value index in china-fir plantation and natural broadleaf forests, we understood that china-fir plantation changed into natural regeneration of native trees in multilayer structure forest. This study could support as an important information for improving stand structure and vegetation diversity in forest watershed.
