  • 期刊

Origanic-based Fertilization for Rice Production in the Philippines


Organic-based fertilization is an intervention that provides location-specific fertilizer recommendation to reduce the effect of variations in soil and climatic conditons in various rice-producing areas in the country. It is an optimum combination of korganic and inorganic fertilizers that provide nutrients needed by the rice plant in appropriate amount. The fertilizer recommendation groups have steadily shown significant increase in yield over the traditional practice and the sustained high yield obtained provides sufficient basis for the formulation and implementation of an organic-based rice production program. This further enable soil fertility management to be more precise for various locations appropriate for the dominant soil and agro-ecological conditions of rice-producing areas. A value-added composting approach is also introduced as an incentive to farmers and increase their income via biogas and mushroom production, compost making and liquid fertilizer production.


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