  • 期刊


The Development of Fan-Shuu-Liau Street in Qing


臺灣的鄉街通常能反映一地的區域特性,曾有富田芳郎、陳正祥、施添福等地理學者前復提出一般性的論述。結果顯示,要理解臺灣各鄉街的發展興衰,須將其放在更大的區域發展脈絡中來檢視,以呈現其時空歷程中的多面性。本文以位於沿山地區的旗山街區作為探討對象,嘗試分析清代蕃薯寮街發展的優越性與限制性,以理解影響清代鄉街發展的內外機制。 蕃薯寮街是現今旗山鎮內街區的舊稱,其地點依山傍河,並具備銜接縣內西南平原與東北山地兩個地形區的位置,同時也位居跨越內門丘陵連接臺灣西南部平原與屏東平原的谷地出口。在清代台灣的鄉街發展脈絡中,蕃薯寮街屬於西部山麓地帶的鄉街市鎮。 通常沿山鄉街除了為當地居民提供消費性需求外,以作為開墾據點和貨物交易市場為主,其規模不大;蕃薯寮街從乾隆44年(1779)即有「街」的稱號,直到日治初期,該地僅有一條長約200公尺的街,規模與一般沿山鄉街的空間特徵相似。一般而言,清代的行政、軍事中心所在地,通常會發展成「街」;蕃薯寮街在嘉慶15年(1810)成為台灣縣邊區的巡檢駐在地,19世紀近百年在商業與軍事機能的雙重作用下,卻未發展成規模較大的鄉街。面對附近廣大的沿山地區而言,蕃薯寮街的「地點」與「位置」條件,具有其發展的優越性,但在擴展腹地範圍方面,因位置特性加上國家管理機制影響,卻出現了侷限性。 本文研究結果認為倚山面河的地點與沿山位置、經過性位置等提供蕃薯寮發展為「街」的優越基礎,同時也是導致蕃薯寮街處於社會浮動的環境中。加上因國家設治劃分縣界的考量,「沿山、沿河位置」使腹地所在的羅漢外門地區長期處於台灣縣與鳳山縣的交界所在,地方治理的效率不彰;以及地方長期的閩客衝突對立,造成紛擾不安之局面,於是環境、國家、社會等作用帶來的浮動與空間隔閡,限制蕃薯寮街腹地難以開展。國家的巡檢系統、軍事防汛面對地方紛亂時,也未能發揮控制地方治安之功能,以促進腹地安定、商業進行。因自然環境、族群社會、國家行政之特性,在附近平原山野劃下各種空間界線,使得清代蕃薯寮街腹地難以開展。


There were three rows of the township system of Taiwan which was developed in Qing, The Fan-Shuu-Liau Street(蕃薯寮街) links up the southwest plain and the Northeast mountain region of the Southern Region of the Taiwan in its position, and it belonged to the third row, it was nearby-mountain countryside-streets. Usually the street of the third row offering the consuming demand to the local area, as a cultivating base and goods trade market, its street-scale was small. In the administration ruler context of the Qing, a military centre will usually developed into a street. The Fall-Shuu-Liau Street set the Shyun-Jean(巡檢) in the 15th year of Jiaqing (嘉慶) (1810), and became the centre in the border area of 'Taiwan county'(台灣縣), it owned the official military and administration agency to patrol nearby. The Fall-Shuu-Liau was prompted to the 'street' since the 44th year of Qianlong(乾隆) (1779) initially, but only formed one street about 200 meters inside this settlement till Japanese era, similar as others they locates the same position. Why could lot it develop into a larger township street as those administrative centers on the plain? This is the analysis point of the essay. The analysis result is that The Fall-Shuu-Liau rested on the site which is the intersection of the mountain and plain, besides river, the position which was passed from Fuu-Cherng(府城) to Lii-Ganng(里港), becoming a Street offering commercial function gradually. Under the circumstances the state used the river as the line of the District between the 'Tai-Fen'. Added the disorder of 'the Line of Minan/Haka'. So the position of the 'beside mountains',' besides river 'made the hinterland of The Fall-Shuu-Liau Street became a unstable place. Due to the official force fail to totally control the local public security, make the hinterland of The Fall-Shuu-Liau Street just included the Arhat-Waymen(羅漢外門) area and other mountain region, couldn't enlarge to plain in the east.

