  • 期刊

Hemodynamics of Uterine Arteries in Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome During Culdocentesis: A Preliminary Result



目的 本研究之目的在於偵測卵巢過度刺激症候群之病患於經陰道抽取腹水過程中子宮動脈之血流變化。 方法 所有病患於抽取腹水之前與之後均接受經陰道超音波檢查。根據抽取腹水之多寡,所有病患區分為兩組:第一組:抽取腹水少於1500 ml;第二組:抽取腹水多於1500 ml。進一步比較兩組間子宮動脈之脈動係數(pulsatility index, PI)與最大收縮期流速(maximum peak systolic velocity, MPSV)。結果 抽取腹水達1500 ml以上能改善卵巢過度刺激症候群病患之子宮動脈血流,抽取腹水未達1500 ml無法改善其子宮動脈血流。第一組中12名病患中有8名病患之子宮動脈之脈動係數明顯下降(66.7%),第二組中42名病患中有32名病患之子宮動脈之脈動係數明顯下降(76.2%)。於抽取腹水後,所有病患之最大收縮期流速並無明顯下降,兩組病患之子宮動脈之脈動係數與最大收縮期流速並無明顯之差異。結論 抽取腹水達1500 ml以上能改善卵巢過度刺激症候群病患之動脈血流,抽取腹水未達1500 ml無法改善其子宮動脈血流。持續性之腹水與高懷孕率有關。


Objectives. To investigate the effects of culdocentesis on uterine hemodynamics in patients with severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. (OHSS). Methods. All women with OHSS underwent transvaginal sonography before and after culdocenteses. All patients were divided according to the amount of ascites removed (Group 1<1500 ml; Group 2≧1500 ml); then their pulsatility index (PI) and maximum peak systolic velocity (MPSV) of uterine arteries were compared. Results. Uterine PI values decreased significantly after culdocentesis in Group 2(1.42±0.27 vs 1.36±0.28). In contrast, patients in Group 1 had non-significant changes of uterine PI values after culdocentesis. Uterine PI values decreased in 32 of 42 (76.2%) in Group 2 and eight of 12 (66.7%) in Group 1. Uterine MPSV values were not reduced significantly after culdocentesis. PI and MPSV values before and after culdocenteses were similar between both groups. Conclusions. Patients who underwent culdocenteses and had≧1500 ml of ascites removed showed improvement in uterine perfusion. Patients who had lesser amounts of ascites removed showed improvement in uterine perfusion. Patients who had lesser amounts of ascites removed did not experience improvement in uterine perfusion. Patients with persistent ascites had a higher rate of pregnancy than those without persistent ascites.
