  • 期刊

Comparison of the Laparotomic Retropubic Colposuspension in the Treatment of Genuine Urine Stress Incontinence: A Retrospective Study



背景 本研究之目的,在比較應力性尿失禁之患者,經過腹腔鏡及傳統開腫式陰道膀胱頭懸吊術後,兩者結果之比較。方法自1997年一月至1998 年十二月,收集70位患者。第一組接受腹腔鏡手術治療,共35人。第二組接受傳統開臨式手術治療,共35人。兩者皆有合併其他開刀方式如子宮切除、卵巢切除等。經1-2 年追蹤後,以病患主觀尿失禁症狀、客觀的尿動力檢查和一小時棉墊測試做分析。 結果 在腹腔鏡手術組,有較長的開刀時間,但較少的出血量、併發症及住院日。而手術成功率則與傳統開腹式相同,各為94%及91%。 結論 在治療力性尿失禁患者,腹腔鏡較傳統開腫式陰道膀頸頭懸吊術,有較少的罹病率,但有相同的成功率。


Background. This study compared the differences between laparoscopic and laparotomic retropubic colposuspensions in the treatment of patients with genuine urine stress incontinence. Methohs. Between January 1997 and December 1998, we studied 70 patients by dividing them into two groups: a laparoscopic colposuspension group and a laparotomic colposuspension group. The concomitant operations included hysterectomy, salpingectomy, salpingo-oophorectomy, ovarian cystectomy, utero-vaginal suspension with round ligament shortening, modified McCall-Moschowitz culdoplasty and colpopexy, and posterior colpoperineorrhaphy. Their perioperative courses and follow-ups were then compared for more than a year. The operation efficiencies were evaluated by subjective questionnaires, an estimated pad test and an objective urodynamic examination. Results. The patients in the laparoscopic group had longer operative times, less blood loss, less morbidity, shorter hospitalizations, and a similar successful rate when compared with patients in the laparotomic group. The subjective success rates between laparoscopic and laparotomic group were 94% and 91% respectively. Conclusions. Conclusions. With advanced operative laparoscopy technology, the laparoscopic approach to colposuspension had similar efficiencies and less morbidities in genuine stress incontinence when compared to the laparotomic approach.
