  • 期刊

Factors Affecting Urinary Fluoride Concentrations Among Patients With Renal Dysfunction



目的 由於氟化物是一種毒性物質,因此對患有腎臟者更應注意氟化物之攝取總量,本研究之目的探討影響尿中氟濃度之相關因素及腎功能異常者尿中氟濃度。 方法 依肌酐酸清除率(Ccr)將90位對象分成三組,31名健康組之腎功能正常且Ccr大於50 ml/min ,32名慢性腎衰竭(CRF)患者,其Ccr小於50 ml/min,而27名連續腹膜透析(CAPD)患者,其Ccr小於10 ml/min。利用問卷收集研究對象之基本資料及其氟化物暴露量資料,尿液之收集包括24小時(每六小時一次)及晨尿,並以氟電極測定氟濃度,並測定尿肌酣酸、尿比重及pH值。 結果 經多變項迴歸分析得知影響尿中氟濃度之因素包括人體腎功能、茶攝取量 運動習慣及食者:並經多變項迴歸分析調整個人年齡及性別後,健康組尿中氟濃度較CRF組高出2.25倍及CAPD組高出5.5倍,此是否顯示腎臟病患可能無法排除過多氟化物貯存於體內,而更加重對腎臟之正常功能。 結論 建議腎臟功能異常者應特別注意氟化物之攝取量,以避免過多氟化物累積在腎臟。未來研究宜進一步探討氟攝取量與腎病變之相關性。


Objective. Our objective was to determine the factors that affect urinary fluoride concentrations and to measure fluoride concentrations among subjects with renal function abnormalities. Methods. Ninety subjects were divided into three groups based on creatinine clearance (Ccr). The control group consisted of 31 hospital personnel With normal renal functions and a Ccr >50 mL/min. The chronic renal failure (CRF) group consisted of 32 subjects with a Ccr <50 mL/min. The continuous ambulance peritoneal dialysis (CAPO) group included 27 subjects with a Ccr < 10 mL/min. Subjects' basic demographic information and history of fluoride exposure were obtained by questionnaire. Urine samples were collected from the three groups using different procedures. Urine samples were taken over 24-hours and morning urine samples were also collected. Urinary fluoride concentrations were measured using the ion selective electrode method. Creatinine levels, specific gravity levels, and pH values were also measured. Results. Several significant factors affected urinary fluoride concentrations, including renal function, tea consumption, exercise habits, and vegetarianism. After adjusting for age and gender using multiple regression analysis, urinary fluoride concentrations among the control group were found to be 2.25 times higher than the CRF group and 5.5 times higher than the CAPD group. This result suggests that patients in the CRF and CAPD groups display poor fluoride excretion efficiencies which may have lead to fluoride accumulation in the kidney and deterioration of their conditions. Conclusions. It is vital that patients in both the CRF and CAPD groups control their dietary intake of fluoride in order to prevent further deterioration of their conditions. Further research is needed to establish the relationship between fluoride intake and renal abnormalities.
