  • 期刊

Primary Intracranial Melanoma: Report of Case and Review of the Literature



原發性顱內黑色素瘤並不常見,約佔所有黑色素瘤的百分之一。它之所以能引起神 經腫瘤及神經外科醫師的注意是其臨床及影像的表現型態類似腦膜瘤;儘管具有惡性特 質,但仍能有滿意的治療結果。本文描述一位66歲女性因車禍導致硬腦膜下腔出血,並於電腦斷成及磁振造影上,意外發現右側枕葉腫瘤。患者並無其他顱外異常病灶。病患接受顯微開顱手術及腫瘤完全切除,術後再接受放射治療。病理檢查為一色素沉著及出血的惡性黑色素瘤。文獻回顧顯示絕大部分案例是建議手術切除;而且若能完全切除,可獲得長期之治癒。


Primary intracranial melanoma is uncommon and accounts for only approximately 1% of all cases of melanoma. This is interesting to neuro-oncologists and neurosurgeons because the clinical and radiological patterns of these tumors can mimic the presence of meningioma. In Spite of their malignant behavior, they can be satisfactorily treated. We describe a 66-year-old woman with traumatic subdural hematoma and an extra-axial tumor mass over the right occipital region. She had no extracranial abnormalities. The patient received total extirpation of the lesion microscopically, followed by radiotherapy. The pathologic review revealed a deep pigmented and hemorrhagic malignant melanoma. It has been demonstrated that surgical excision of intracranial melanoma is the most effective procedure, allowing for a long-term disease-free period postoperatively.
