  • 期刊


The Prevalence of Betel Nut Chewing and Related Factors among Vocational School Students in Taiwan


背景/目的 分析臺灣地區不同職業類型別學校學生嚼食檳榔行爲及危險因子的差異性。 方法 依北、中、南、東部四個地區、各不同職業類型別學校的學生採分層集束隨機抽樣,利用問卷調查法,經受訓過的訪視員解說問卷內容後,山受訪學生以不記名的方式填答。 結果 有效樣本數有10,288份,有57%的學生表示曾經嚼食過檳榔,3.9%的學生目前仍在嚼食檳榔;目前仍在嚼食檳榔學生的比率,南部地區的盛行率(4.3%)較其他地區略高(3.6%至41%);鄉村(7.6%)高於城鎮(4.3%)、都市(0.8%);男性嚼食檳榔的盛行率(16.2%)顯著高於女性(3.5%)。好奇(61.4%)是誘使學生開始嚼食檳榔的主要動機;學生獲得檳榔的主要來源是來自於朋友、同學(61.9%)。除長輩的影響、同儕壓力兩大主要因素外,有無吸菸行爲、有無飲酒行爲亦是有效頂測學生嚼食檳柏區的危險因子;來自父母親教育程度較低、及屬於藍領階級的家庭學生較易產生嚼食檳榔磚的行爲。 結論 嚼食檳榔的行爲,除受同儕壓力及父母親行爲特質兩大因素影響之外,家庭社會人口因子變項的影響力,北部地區高於其他地區。


檳榔 盛行率 危險因子


Background/Purpose. To investigate the prevalence of and risk factors associated with betel nut chewing among vocational school students in Taiwan. Methods. Students studying at vocational schools in northern, central, southern and eastern Taiwan were randomly selected using stratification and clustering techniques. The students then completed a self-reported questionnaire after a trained interviewer had explained the study to them. Results. Valid data from 10 288 students were available for analysis. Among this group of students, 5.7% were ex-chewers and 3.9% were current chewers of betel nut. The prevalence of current betel nut chewing among students was slightly higher in southern Taiwan (4.3%) than in other areas (3.6% to 4.1%), was higher in villages (7.6%) than in towns (4.3%) and in cities (0.8%), and was notably higher in male students (16.2%) than in female students (3.5%). Curiosity (61.4%) was the main reason for starting the chewing behavior. The main sources of betel nut were friends and classmates (61.9%). Betel nut chewing behavior was significantly related to parents’ betel nut using behavior and peer pressure. Smoking and drinking were also significant predictors of betel nut chewing behavior. Students whose parents had low education levels and students who came from blue collar families were more likely to chew betel nut. Conclusion. This study revealed that betel nut chewing behavior is related to peerpressure and parental behavior. The effect of sociodemographic factors was stronger in the northern area than in other areas.


betel nut chewing prevalence risk factor


