  • 期刊


Development of Rapid Capturing Technique for 12-Lead ECG


心臟是維持人體各部分正常運作很重要的器官,心電圖的量測已經是不可或缺的工具。心電圖所獲得的資料可提供給專科醫師或研究人員作診斷或統計分析之用。近年所發展的家庭式心電圖機,雖然體積小、價格便宜,可攜帶式,並且利用藍芽模組連接至個人電腦,透過網路即時傳送至醫院,讓醫護人員能夠及時提供病患在醫療上的建議,但通常只有1至3個導程(如導程Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ)。本文以EASI導程系統為基礎,利用模糊類神經網路,將EASI的3個導程轉換成標準12導程心電圖,並利用德州儀器TI MSP430混合信號控制器與射頻無線通訊技術整合成一個快速擷取標準12導程心電圖量測系統。此系統實驗結果比文獻上所使用之線性轉換具有較佳之準確度,同時具容易使用、低成本等特性,因此相當適用於醫療機構或家庭使用,並期望日後可達到能夠取代標準12導程心電圖量測系統。


As heart is one of the key components in human body, electrocardiogram (ECG) recording is vital to investigate one's health. ECG machine for home use is getting more popular recently and can transmits recorded ECG to a hospital via internet for diagnosis purpose, however with only one to three lead signals available (eg. Lead Ⅰ, Ⅱ, or Ⅲ). This paper presents experimental results of transforming the recorded EASI-lead ECG to the standard 12-lead ECG by using fuzzy neural network. A TI controller board (MSP430) and a RF transceiver module constitutes mainly the ECG machine for rapidly capturing the standard 12-lead ECG, measuring only the EASI-lead ECG. The developed ECG system is shown to have better transformation results as compared to those by using linear transformation. With ease of operation and low cost, the ECG system has potential for widely usage in a Hospital or home and even for replacing the standard 12-lead ECG system in the future.


ECG Fuzzy Neural Network


