  • 期刊


The Strategy of Customer Relationship Management-A Case Study of Budgeting Department in the Ministry


隨著經濟發展的加速,不僅一般具營利性質的製造業與服務業非常注重顧客關係與服務品質,就連非營利機構亦日漸重視顧客需求,尋求各種方法提升服務品質,積極爭取顧客的滿意與喜愛。因此本研究透過相關文獻的探討,確定變項間的關係後,建立本研究架構,並採用問卷調查法,以問卷作為蒐集資料的研究工具。在問卷回收後,運用結構方程模式分析(structural equation modeling, SEM)將各潛在變項之因果模式作一假設檢定,並利用相關分析找出顧客關係管理策略中相對重要之項目。從各潛在變項之關聯性假設得到驗證後,據以推論出在國軍主計部門預算執行業務上,推行顧客關係管理之組織策略為一相當重要之課題,其中以互動管理策略為施行主軸,也就是須加強業務單位人員與國軍主計部門間關係之良性互動,另外並了解到服務品質有助於提升關係價值與顧客滿意度,因此國軍主計部門在預算執行業務上應實施顧客關係管理組織策略,並加強服務品質的內涵,提升本身服務品質的水準,進而增加組織價值及顧客滿意度。


As the economic advancement, a lot of industries need to emphasize ”The Strategy of Customer Relationship Management”, either the organization not to engage in making profit. So, this research regards the Military unit relative to budgeting department as the research subject. First we develop out the correlation hypothesis of customer relationship management (CRM), service quality, customer satisfaction and relationship value according to documents. And we give someone to answer the questionnaire. This research is focused on four constructs and we try to confirm the model. Such we check for confirmatory factor analysis and correlation coefficient. Then we test the hypothesis for structural equation modeling (SEM). The result of study shows that customer relationship management is a very important strategy of budgeting department in the ministry. And the major strategy is customer interaction management. It is to emphasize the ”relationship”. Since we find out that service quality can improve the customer satisfaction and relationship value. Though the budgeting department should bring the customer relationship management strategy into practice. Finally we would raise the organization value and customer satisfaction with the service quality.


蔡志祥(2009)。壽險業顧客關係管理模式之研究- 以國泰人壽為例〔碩士論文,亞洲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0118-1511201215462267
