  • 期刊


High Raman Gain of Dispersion Compensation Fiber Using RZ-DPSK Format for Long-Haul DWDM Transmission System


本論文是利用拉曼放大器搭配單模光纖(SMF)與色散補償光纖(DCF),應用於高密度分波多工系統之光通信架構,並分析非歸零開關鍵制(NRZ)、歸零開關鍵制(RZ)、非歸零差動相位偏移鍵制(NRZ-DPSK)與歸零差動相位偏移鍵制(RZ-DPSK)等四種調變,應用於16×10 Gb/s傳輸速度,並保持長距離高密度分波多工系統傳輸之效能,經由自行設計之系統架構,利用歸零差動相位偏移鑑制調變架構,可傳輸1800km,而達到超長距離傳輸;並利用增強型前向糾錯(FEC)技術,改善系統誤碼性能,提高傳輸容量。


We investigated the transport of a 16 channels 40 Gb/s Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) system which uses high Raman gain of dispersion compensation fiber for long-haul DWDM transmission. Using the NRZ-OOK, RZ-OOK, NRZ-DPSK, RZ-DPSK modulation format with an optimized dispersion compensation format, we demonstrate DWDM transmission with a capacity of 640 Gb/s with 0.4 nm channel spacing over 1800 km of transmission fiber. The transmission system structure uses 80 km SMF and 20 km DCF for eighteen spans in the C band wavelength range and a Raman Amplifier with high Raman gain to achieve long-haul transmission. We also used enhanced Forward Error Correction (FEC) for high capacity transmission over several thousand kilometers with the RZ-DPSK modulation format.
