  • 期刊


Orthodontic and Orthopedic Treatment of A Class Ⅲ Malocclusion with Anterior Crossbite and Maxillary Deficiency - A Case Report





The treatment modalities of Class Ⅲ malocclusion depend on the underlying skeletal pattern, facial profile, age and growth potential of patient. Orthopedic maxillary protraction has been increasely advocated for the treatment of Class Ⅲ malocclusion, especially those with maxillary deficiency. The treatment responses of growing craniofacial complex to facemask therapy include forward maxillary movement, increased maxillary growth, backward and downward rotation of the mandible, labial movement of maxillary incisors and lingual tipping of mandibular incisors. Clinically, the improvement of facial profile and the significant correction of over jet could beobtained. We describe a 9 year-old girl with skeletal class Ⅲ malocclusion and maxillary deficiency. The occlusal pattern is class Ⅲ malocclusion with anterior cross bite and space deficiency of upper arch. We used facemask to protract her deficient maxilla and correct her anterior cross bite, followed by full-mouth fixed appliance therapy. The long-term treatment results are stable and satisfactory in esthetic and functional aspects.
