  • 期刊


Related Factors of Temporomandibular Disorder in the Patients with Psychological Distress


顳顎關節症候群(Temporomandibular disouler, TMD)分為兩大組,一為肌膜性官能障礙症候群組(Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome, MPD),另一為關節症狀組(Temporomandibular joint disease, TMJ)。對特殊族群精神科門診的憂鬱症、焦慮症的病人出現TMD症狀的研究報告,全世界卻付之闕如。本研究目的在探討精神科門診憂鬱症與焦慮症患者其憂鬱或心理狀態和TMD的相關性。選取精神科門診病人經診察為憂鬱症或慮症且正在服藥中的成年人,共73個病例數,女性多於男性(67%: 33%)。且發現在此族群中,合併有TMD病患組比無TMD病患組有較高的憂鬱狀態以及較高的精神心理偏差。另外MPD組比起無MPD組呈現較高的憂鬱狀態以及較高的精神心理偏差,而TMJ組比起無TMJ組並無憂鬱及精神心理偏差之統計差異。


心理障礙 顳顎關節症 憂鬱 焦慮


Temporomandibular disorder(TMD) is divided into Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome(MPD)and Temporomandibular joint disease (TMJ). The epidermiological report about the TMD in the patients with depression and anxiety in psychiatric clinic is scarce globally. The study aim is to explore the related factors of TMD in the patients with psychological distress especially from the psychiatric clinic. The subjects comprised of 73 patients with depression and anxiety purposively sampling in psychiatric clinic All patients had been given with psychotropics, antidepressant and anriolytics for more than three months and all were in maintenance dose. Female is more than man(67%:33%). Otherwise, TMD group has higher depression scores and psychological distress than non-TMD group with statistically significant.Meanwhile, MPD group has higher depression scores and psychological distress than non-MPD group with statistically significant, but TMJ group, as compared with non-TMJ group, is not st-atistically significant on depression scores and psychological distress.
