  • 期刊


The Regulation of MMP-3 upon Mechanical Stimulation in Bone Cells


臨床上進行矯正治療是藉由牙齒受到機械力量刺激(mechanical stimulation)所引發一連串骨質重塑作用,產生牙齒移動的現象。機械力量刺激對於成骨母細胞(osteoblast)和蝕骨細胞(osteoclast)活性的詳細調控機制,一直以來是骨科研究想要去加以了解的一塊領域,近年來在矯正學上更受到重視。而根據文獻研究,在受壓力區的骨質吸收與基質金屬蛋白酵素家族(MMP)有密切相關,而基質金屬蛋白酵素家族中的基質金屬蛋白酵素-3(MMP-3)在此現象的角色尚未明朗,目前有一些研究文獻認為基質金屬蛋白酵素-3(MMP-3)基因表現調控可受到機械力量刺激的影響,和骨吸收作用有相關。因此本文對於骨細胞接受機械力量形式刺激後基質金屬蛋白酵素-3調控之相關文獻以及研究作回顧,以探討機械力量與骨質重塑機制之間的調控關係,以及與基質金屬蛋白酵素-3(MMP-3)受機械力調控之可能機制。


During orthodontic tooth movement, bone remodeling is induced by mechanical stimulation. The mechanical regulation to stimulate the activities of osteoblasts and osteoclasts is a focus of bone studies, which also got more attention in orthodontics recently. Members of matrix metalloproteinase family (MMP) were found to be closely related to the bone remodeling during orthodontic treatment. Some studies proposed that the matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) is related to bone resorption because the gene expression of MMP-3 was increased by orthodontic force at the compression site. Therefore, MMP-3 likely participated in bone resorption. We reviewed the studies related to the regulation of MMP-3 by mechanical stimulation in bone cells, and also investigated the relationships between bone remodeling and mechanical stimulation, and the possible mechanism of MMP-3 regulated by mechanical force.
