  • 期刊


Comparison of Two Different Treatment Methods on White Spot Lesions after Orthodontic Treatment


本研究的目的是比較含氟牙膏及牙齒乳膏治療矯正後牙齒脫鈣白斑的效果。八位受測者在拆除矯正器當日,共有十二顆上顎門牙出現脫鈣白斑,隨機給予受測者含氟牙膏或牙齒乳膏。在矯正器拆除當日、使用牙膏四週及八週後,用DlAGNOdent測量白斑的脫鈣程度,同時取得脫鈣白斑的臨床照片,用Image J影像分析軟體計算出脫鈣白斑所佔牙齒的面積比例。結果顯示使用兩種牙膏四週後,脫鈣程度均有顯著減少;使用牙齒乳膏四週後,脫鈣面積由41.07%減少至24.62%,有顯著差異,而使用含氟牙膏在八週後,脫鈣面積由35.45%減少至15.44%,也有顯著差異。本研究結論是使用含氟牙膏或牙齒乳膏四周後,牙齒上脫鈣白斑的脫鈣程度均有減少;而脫鈣白斑面積在牙齒乳膏比含氟牙膏有較早出現的治療效果。


The aims of the study were to compare the degree of demineralization and the size alteration of white spot lesions after orthodontic treatment using fluoride dentifrice or tooth mousse therapy. Twelve upper incisors with demineralized white spot lesions of eight participants were identified after fixed appliances were removed. These participants were randomly and double blindly assigned to use one of the two dentifrices (TM and FD). Degree of demineralization was examined using DIACNodent pen and digital photographs were taken at bracket removal, 4 weeks and 8 weeks later. Image J, one image processing software, was used to measure the size of lesions on digital photographs. The results showed that the degree of demineralization was improved after 4 weeks for both toothpastes. The mean sizes of the white spot lesions for tooth mousse group (TM) decreased from 41.07% to 24.62% after 4 weeks, and it had statistically significant difference. The mean sizes of the white spot lesions for fluoride dentifrice group (FD) decreased from 35.45% to 15.44% after 8 weeks, and it reached statistically significant difference. It was concluded that the degree of demineralization of post-orthodontic white spot lesions could be improved after 4 weeks therapy for two toothpastes. The size of the lesions reduced was earlier detected following tooth mousse treatment than fluoride dentifrice treatment.
