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The Histological Structure of Filiform and Fungiform Papillae of the Puppy Rats Which Born from the Rats Given EGF after Sialoadenectomy


After the complete removal of submandibular gland surgically, morphological alterations, and the effects of EGF given orally on these alterations were investigated. In the study, 30 adult female Spraque-Dawley rats were used, which were divided equally into three groups: Control group; sialoadenectomy group; sialoadenectomy + epidermal growth factor group.Following a three week period of recovery, the rats were mated. On days 16-19th of pregnancy, a total of 5 microgram EGF was given to the animals in sialoadenectomy + epidermal growth factor group with orogastric tube as 1.25μg daily to each animal. The fetuses born following pregnancy were kept to grow up until the 28th day. The pupy rat of 28 days in all groups were taken, and then they were sacrificed. Tongues of all puppy rats were fixed in a 10 % neutral buffered formalin solution. The paraffin sections obtained through routine histological methods were stained with Hematoxylen-Eosine, Methylen blue- Basic Fuchsin, Hemotoxylen-Van Giesson, and were examined under light microscope. A significant increase in the keratinization; an elongation and bifurcation at the ends of the filiform papillae of the sialoadenectomy group rats were observed.The fungiform papilla and the taste buds were noticed to be larger than that of the control group, and a decrease was detected in the cells population that constitutes the taste buds. Bifurcation and hyperkeratosis in the filiform papillae of the sialoadenectomy + epidermal growth factor group rats. The morphological appearance of fungiform papillae and taste buds was observed to be similar to that of fungiform papillae of the control group.


Rat EGF Sialoadenectomy Lingual Papillae
