  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Gingival Crevicular Fluid Levels of Resistin and Adiponectin in Chronic Periodontitis with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


Resistin and adiponectin are adipokines that secreted from adipose tissue that postulated opposing functions in insulin resistance and inflammation. The oral cavity serves as a continuous source of infectious agents that could worsen the diabetic status of the patient and serve as an important risk factor deterioration of diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study was to clarify gingival crevicular fluids (GCF) adipokine levels in chronic periodontitis (CP) suffering type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Twenty-four subjects with CP (pocket depth ≥5mm), consist of 12 subjects T2DM and 12 subject control NDM (32-65 years old) were selected. The level of resistin and adiponectin was analyzed using ELISA. Resistin level of T2DM compared to NDM was 21.45±10.5 pg/mL and 27.0±13.1 pg/mL respectively. Resistin T2DM was lower than NDM. Adiponectin level T2DM is 20.1±14.9 ng/mL and control group 17.28±6.9 ng/mL. The level of resistin and adiponectin between T2DM and NDM with did not reach statistical significance. Resitin level was lower in T2DM compared to NDM. The adiponectin level was increased in deep pocket.
