  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Evaluation of Questionnaires to Assess Dental Trauma And Anxiety of Children in Kosovo


Dental trauma relates to negative consequences that the child links to negative experience. The aim of this study was to assess the scale of dental anxiety in children with dental trauma and to evaluate the questionnaires as measurement scales which handle the trauma and anxiety parameters. Study included 505 patients, aged 7 to 14 years of whom 254 children experienced dental trauma and 251 children were without dental trauma experience. The subjects came for dental appointment from 2015 to 2016 and filled out the questionnaires about anxiety. The following questionnaires were used: CFSS-DS, CDAS, CMFQ, S-DAI and DVSS-SV. The Cronbach alpha was used to check the reliability and validity of the questionnaires. Larger percentage of cases had lower scale of dental anxiety. Meanwhile high scale dental anxiety was proportionally higher in the group with dental trauma for all questionnaires. Dental visit satisfaction scale was higher in the group without dental trauma. Female patients showed higher scores for all tests. In the group of patients with dental trauma, the mean values of anxiety scale were also higher in females. Also, dental visit satisfaction scale was higher in females. According to the age of children the only significant correlation between the patient's age and dental anxiety was ascertained in S-DAI test in the group without dental trauma (r=-0.137, p=0.03). All questionnaires were evaluated as reliable and valid for anxiety determination. In children with dental trauma the highest Cronbach alpha coefficient was found for S-DAI (0.991) and CFSS-DS (0.974). In children without dental trauma the highest Cronbach alpha coefficient was found for S-DAI (0.966), CFSSDS (0.959) and CDAS (0.914). The mean anxiety score was higher in children with dental trauma, as well as in the girls and children who are more afraid of medical interventions (CMFQ). All tests showed good reliability of estimating anxiety and could be used in every day practice.
