  • 期刊

The Effect of the Method and Duration of Extraction on the Content of Biologically Active Compounds in Herbal Teas

Ekstraktsiooni meetodi ja kestuse mõju bioloogiliselt aktiivsete ainete sisaldusele ravimtaimede vesitõmmistes


The extraction of some most important biologically active compound classes and constituents (water-soluble extractive, polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, coumarins, anthraquinones, hypercin, pigments, and saponins) into herbal teas, depending on the method and duration of the extraction, was studied. Five herbal teas were prepared of each crude drug studied (n=11). Most constituents extract in the same amount in infusions and decoctions. The best results were achieved from the extraction during 12h in a Thermos bottle.
