  • 期刊


The Design of Numerary Textbooks in Adult Literacy Programs




The goal of adult basic literacy education is to develop learners' basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and numerary. In this paper, the current textbooks for adult literacy program adopted in Taiwan were analyzed, and it was found that numerary skills were set in the marginal place in the adult literacy education of this country. It shows that numerary skills involved are often illustrated as a tool to facilitate learners' language development, rather than as a main topic in mathematics learning. Moreover, most of the time, the mathematical ideas involved and the context in which those ideas situated are not closely tied to adult learners' life experiences.Applying theories from mathematics education and adult education, following principles are suggested for the design of numerary textbooks in adult basic literacy programs:1. Mathematics ideas introduced should be situated in problem situations that are highly relevant to adult learners' experiences.2. Mathematical ideas selected should meet learners' needs.3. A croos table of mathematical-idea-by-context could be used to collect and organize information.4. A format of loose-leaf, nonlinear structure is highly recommended.5. Learners' existing knowledge should be utilized as the starting points for each topic.6. Multiple representations of a mathematical idea should be used to ensure the clarity and connections among ideas.


